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Skeptical About Clean Beauty? Here’s Why You Can Believe the Hype

Skeptical About Clean Beauty? Here’s Why You Can Believe the Hype

There’s no denying that the clean beauty industry has exploded in the past several years.

What started out as a maker-led movement to bring natural, clean skincare and beauty products to people seeking alternatives to conventional formulas has become a multi-billion dollar juggernaut.

According to the Cosmetics & Toiletries publication, in fact, last estimates peg it around $5.4 billion in 2020, and it is expected to double in revenue by 2027. Still, the rise of clean beauty has resulted in detractors who argue that “clean beauty” is a marketing ploy only, with no real results to back up the numbers these products are pulling in.

While some criticism of such rapid growth isn’t completely unwarranted, we’re here to tell you: If you’re skeptical about what clean beauty can do for your skin, you can believe the hype. Here’s why. 

Our definition of “clean beauty” 

First thing’s first: You may be confused as to what to expect from products labeled “clean beauty,” and you’re not alone. That’s because there is no universal standard for the term “clean beauty.”

While the term seems ubiquitous these days, there is no government entity like the FDA monitoring which products adhere to certain “clean beauty” standards, nor is there an industry-wide body that oversees brands claiming to be clean. Instead, the term is left to the brands themselves to define, and for consumers to parse which brands they feel will best suit their discerning tastes.

It’s becoming more common for brands to state what they leave out of their products–parabens, phthalates, artificial fragrance, for example–and that can help make it easier on the consumer when choosing which ingredients they want to avoid. But when searching for clean skincare or other non toxic products, it can be just as important to know which ingredients are included and how they will address your concerns and benefit your skin. 

Here at MASK Skincare, our definition of clean beauty is as simple as our ingredient lists.

To be sure, each MASK product is made without toxic or questionable ingredients, but equally as important is what we put into our clean skincare. We use plant based ingredients that are gentle on the skin, with a focus on hydrating and calming irritation, soothing inflammation, and helping skin reclaim its glow while protecting it from free radicals that can cause signs of premature aging.

Every ingredient used in MASK skincare has been carefully chosen for its efficacy. We formulate with organic ingredients whenever possible.

Why skin welcomes plant based skincare 

One of our favorite parts of creating clean skincare is making products that are so readily received by skin.

Clean beauty has become so popular because so many people (us included!) have struggled throughout our lives with skin that feels inflamed, reactive, prone to acne, or just overall uncomfortable–and by using harsh conventional products that promised to rid us of pores, acne, or wrinkles, we only exacerbated the issues at hand.

This often creates a cycle of reactivity that leaves skin–and us! –frustrated and exhausted.

Plant based skincare may help to combat this cycle, calming skin and helping it look and feel healthy and comfortable. 

That’s because many natural ingredients are well-received by various skin types. How does this work?

Botanical ingredients are often biocompatible, meaning our skin and bodies recognize them and welcome them. Truly plant based skincare formulas, like the simple yet highly effective ones from MASK Skincare, may be recognized by the body as food and therefore, received and put to work instead of being rejected or reacted to by our skin and bodies. 

Does clean beauty work? In a word, yes. 

We are passionate about clean beauty because we know firsthand that plant based skincare does work. When formulated correctly, natural ingredients may be every bit as powerful as their synthetic counterparts, and often, they outperform them. 

MASK uses only proven plant based ingredients in our skincare. Our sheet mask and face serum collections are based in soothing coconut water and aloe vera, renowned for their abilities to both calm inflammation and hydrate the skin.

Ingredients like Calendula and  manuka honey –scientifically proven to help heal wounds– help to calm inflammation and heal skin, while essential oils like lavender and frankincense have been shown to soothe irritation and combat breakouts.

Kakadu plum–which has the highest concentration of Vitamin C found in any food–and broccoli extract, renowned for its powerful Omegas, help to brighten and moisturize skin, helping it reclaim a healthy looking luminosity. 

These natural and organic ingredients power MASK Skincare, resulting in repeated 5 star reviews from all skin types and age ranges.

Because we focus on highly effective but gentle plant based ingredients, skin receives these formulas and responds beautifully to them.

The lack of dyes, waxes, harsh foaming agents, artificial fragrance, and ingredients that strip skin and disrupt its crucial barrier function make MASK Skincare a go-to favorite in the clean beauty space. 

The term “clean beauty” may not be regulated, and the industry as a whole may be worthy of continued scrutiny to ensure it lives up to the promises it makes to consumers.

But there is little room for doubt that clean beauty as we seek to define it does work, especially when simple, natural ingredients are at the core of clean skincare formulas, like those from MASK Skincare.